You recovered 1,000 llamas (cumulative).
You played as Maya.
You rode for 10,000m (cumulative).
You rode for 100,000m (cumulative).
You snowboarded for seven in-game days (cumulative).
Your board stuck straight up after a crash. Oops!
You played one run with Alto.
You completed the tutorial.
You snowboarded for five in-game years (cumulative). Way to go!
You snowboarded for 30 in-game days (cumulative).
You snowboarded for 365 in-game days (cumulative).
You completed all 180 goals.
you recovered 10,000 llamas (cumulative).
You recovered 100,000 llamas (cumulative).
you rode for 1,000,000m (cumulative).
you rode for 10,000,000m (cumulative).
You played as Paz.
You played as Felipe.
You played as Tupa.
You played as Izel.